Case studies
Here are our clients' actual case studies to give you some inspiration.
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Need a high quality video for you client? It’s always good to have a video company you can trust.
We are a turn key production, which means we do everything from a script-writing to a final animation. The fact is we love making videos, so it is also cool for us to create, even if someone else takes the credits for the creative concept.
Contact us at Subject: Partnership request-agency.
We hire also contracted animators from time to time, so please feel free to contact us, send us you reel and let us know why would it be a good idea to collaborate with you.
Subject: Partnership request-Animator.
Voice-over artists:
We collaborate with many voice-over artists from all over the world. Feel free to send your samples to us so we can add you to our library.
Subject: Partnership request-Voice over talent ENG (or any other language).
Kreativne agencije:
Potrebujete visokokakovosten video za svojo stranko? Vedno je dobro imeti video partnerja, ki mu lahko zaupaš.
Smo produkcija na ključ, kar pomeni, da naredimo vse od pisanja scenarija do končne animacije. Dejstvo je, da radi izdelujemo videe, kar pomeni, da nimamo absolutno nič proti, če kreativni koncept prevzame kdo drug.
Pišite nam na Zadeva: Agencija - partnerstvo.
Občasno najamemo tudi pogodbene animatorje, zato nas kontaktirajte, pošljite nam showreel in sporočite, zakaj bi bilo dobro sodelovati z vami.
Zadeva: Partnerstvo-Animator.
Profesionalni govorci:
Sodelujemo s številnimi špikerji z vsega sveta. Pošljite nam svoje avdio demo vzorce, da vas lahko dodamo v našo knjižnico.
Zadeva: Partnerstvo – Voice over talent SLO.